Friday, September 30, 2011

7th Grade Social Studies Extra Credit

Welcome to Mrs. King's new blog page. 
Are you in need of extra credit? 

What was your favorite part of the Declaration of Independence Unit?  WHY?  Use complete sentences and you can earn up to 10 points extra credit!

You can also comment on other student posts to earn more extra credit; however, your comments need to be relevant and thoughtful, not just "great post."


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  5. my favorite part of the D.O.I. was the list of grievances! It told Great Britain what we were mad at them for. One of the Grievances i liked was taxing tea. if they were to tax my tea, i would not be happy. KIng George did not do the right things!

    Chris P7

  6. @Katie- That might have been your favorite part of the DOI; however, that was not the question. Go back and try again! :)

  7. @Alex R. Same thing I wrote for Katie. Take a look at what the question is asking. Re-answer, and I hope to give you credit!

  8. @Hannah. Same thing as I wrote for Katie. However, I agree with what you are saying and LOVE how you are making connections world wide! I will give you half credit. Feel free to come back and answer the question the right way, and you will earn more!

  9. @Jon G.- Interesting, however, same as everyone else. You did not follow the directions. Go back, and try again!

  10. @Rhyse- EXCELLENT ANSWER! You are the only one so far. Way to go. I wanted to know what part of the UNIT was your favorite! Well done. I also enjoyed reading why you enjoyed the Preamble. Not only that, but your answer was well written! I am going to give you double points! (20) Great work!

  11. @Chris- Try again please. Read Rhyse's comment or go back and read the directions please!

  12. @Tristan- Please go back and read the directions. Feel free to look at Rhyse's answer as well!

  13. @Aiden- Nice work answering the question. I will give you 15 pts extra credit. I also enjoyed hearing what your favorite part of the document was. Thanks for the feedback!

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  15. My favorite part of the DOI is working with my partner. We had fun being creative. We didn't have to go in front of the class and say the DOI word for word.

    The DOI talks about our life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These things cannot be taken away from us. The DOI is still used today for our freedom.

    Remy 4th hour

  16. @Remy- I think you could answer a bit more thoughtfully. WHY was working with a partner enhancing your creativity? Which partner part? We had lots of activities that involved partners.

    5 points.

  17. @Wilson-Thanks for commenting. What made it so fun? Why better than a test? What did you learn? Also, for future posts- no last names! 5 points

  18. my favorite part of the D.O.I unit was the partner test recreate the D.O.I, of which you had to cut and paste the words in a construction was way better than a test by yourself cause you had a partner. my second part was the Preamble cause it talks about that we basiclly want seperation.

  19. hey rhyse i liked what you picked why did you like it so much you picked it

  20. @Jacob M- No last names! Also, I am glad you enjoyed the rewrites with a partner. You need to be a bit more detailed as to which part of the rewrites. The final project rewrite? The mini in-class rewrites, when we voted on a scale across the room?
    No credit until you give more information. :)

  21. @Marciano- Great job thinking it through; however, you need to work on your sentence structure! So, either go back and edit your work OR create a new post. As for your comment to Rhyse, thank you, but not enough for more extra credit. (Plus it does not make sense.)

  22. My favorite part of the Declaration of Independence Unit was the test. For our test we cut everything up and glued in back in the right spot. The was a challenge and fun at the same time. This taught us the different parts of the Declaration of Independence and important sayings. We worked as partners and this helped when we got stuck. The whole class did good on it. Doing the test this way I will remember the main parts of the Declaration of Independence.

    Alex R

  23. @Wilson- Thanks for the feedback, but you can't use your last name and you need to be more detailed in your answer.

  24. @Alex R. Nice work! Well said, and I appreciate the feedback! 10 points

  25. My favorite part of the Declaration of Independence was to rewrite the declaration of Independence. The test were you cut and glue the things to the construction paper. It was fun cause you had a partner instead of you doing it by yourselve. It was much fun and now i know the D.O.I and you also gave use a free check.

  26. m favorite unit was the preamble because it was the ntroduction

  27. my favorite unit of the declaration of independence was the preamble because we stood up to Great Britain and showed that we weren't afraid of him. we stood up for our freedom and rights. because of that we are now our own country.

  28. My favorite part of the D.O.I unit was doing the "test". I liked it because it really wasn't a test because all of the answers were right in front of us. i also liked it because we got to cut and glue.

  29. Marciano you and I thought the same good job.

  30. Nick K. P7 Favorit part of the D.O.I:

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

    Because these words are our birthright, and remind us that these rights are from our creator!

  31. @Kailee- Go back and look at more thorough answers. You need complete sentences and have to answer the question better. Try again. Thanks for logging in

  32. @David C.- Good thoughts. Still need to work on sentence structure though :) 5 points

  33. @Nick K.- Great thinking; however, you did not answer the question. Please go back!

  34. My favorite part of the Declaration of Independence unit was working on the project. We worked in partners to rewrite the Declaration of Independence as if it was written in modern times. My partner was Eddie. What I say I enjoyed the most was that it gave us a chance to better understand the Declaration of Independence.

  35. @Dan-
    Thanks for your input! 10 pts
